Thursday, March 02, 2006

Ultra Sound Bill Passes Georgia Senate

This is an historic day as the Georgia Senate passed a sonogram bill that requires every woman seeking an abortion to have an ultrasound performed first. Nancy Schafer, author of the bill stated in her argument that 75% of abortion minded women change their mind after seeing an ultrasound of their baby!

The implications are huge because if Schafer's statistics are accurate then the bill would cut abortions in Georgia by 75%! The bill passed in the Senate by a vote of 35/17. But passage in the House is not assured. In order for the bill to pass it will require key Republican leadership. Most notable is House Speaker Glenn Richardson of Paulding County. His level of support for the bill is not know at this point.

Thank God and stay tuned for a battle over the next several days! This one is worth fighting for. Pray and call your Representative!