Saturday, February 11, 2006

Saturday February 11, 2006

This was our first Saturday in front of Governor's Ridge and our fifth time there all together. Today was different because the traffic was a lot less but people were more willing to take time to talk with us.

Standing out front with messages and scripture about abortion causes a strong reaction in people. It is a spiritual thing. Many seem to like what we are doing but a few react very negatively. It seems that the negative ones have a story of pain and our being there is like pulling the scab off an old wound. There was a fellow in a truck there today who reacted this way. Clearly our message did not warrant his comments, agitation or extreme emotion. I just wanted to make him be quite long enough to tell him we are not condemning him for what he probably did or had a part in doing. I so wanted him to hear that many of us have had personal experiences with abortion too! But we have the answer to his deep hurt. The answer is JESUS alone who can forgive and make a person whiter than snow! God help that fellow please.

Clearly we need to be out here on Saturdays and other days too. One of the positive comments we got was word from a property owner inside who had no idea the board of directors refused our request to come on site. We were told about about a specific building which is outparceled and not a part of the the association. In other words it is not under the authority of the board. This particular building is adjacent to the abortion building! If this building owner will give permission then we can be in their parking lot and set up in their grass. It is 90% of what we have been praying for! This is huge. Please pray God's favor as we approach this owner!

In closing I just want to say that we need to keep at this. It is important and it is a spiritual battle. We need help. We need prayer! We need more people out front on other days. Come be a part.


Blogger Michelle Wolven said...

Many of us call ourselves prolife, but really that is easy to do when it only calls for us to vote a certain way. It is a lot harder to live prolife, to physically intercede on behalf of a child scheduled to die, to leave the comforts of our homes and DO something about the bloodshed. To live our faith in the streets.
Really all Christians are CALLED to do this, it is not a special calling as some like to claim. The Bible commands us to, but this is not a popular view . Many of us are selfish of our time, fear being yelled at, condemned, called mean spirited etc. From what I have seen this is where your faith really comes alive, where you overcome fear and trust in God to lead you and protect you. This is where you ask God to use you as a vehicle of his grace. It is an awesome feeling and privilege to look back and see the hand of God in your work, when you see a change of heart, a repentance or a conversion take place before your eyes.

We have a lot of Christians in Cobb County but I ask where are YOU? Scott can not even get enough volunteers to keep a Saturday morning outreach going. This is the sad reality of our apathetic world, we are apathetic and lukewarm Christians and God will vomit us out of his mouth for being this way. Innocent preborn babies are being ripped apart from their mothers wombs' on a daily basis and all we Christians can do is cast a vote? What a very sad reality for the American Church. Make no mistake about it, God will ask you on Judgement day " What did you do to save the least of my children?" This innocent blood is on our hands Cobb County, wake up!

1:48 PM  

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